Wife thinks I'm needy when I want affection - What To Do

Mar 17, 2023
underwater, man, woman, holding hands, relationship

You smile, straighten your shoulders, feel your feet on the kitchen tile, and say to your wife,

"Come over here and give me a kiss on the cheek."

Visibly stiffening, your wife glares at you through the steam of her morning coffee.

"That's so gross and needy," she says, "I told you to let ME come to you for anything physical.  You never listen to anything I say. See! this is why I can't trust you! You're always pushing. Don't you have any respect for yourself?!"

The chasm of her discontent in her is palpable.

You breathe deep, feeling the resentful, scared, and hurting "little girl part" of her flow like water into the space between you.

You shift your gaze from your wife, purposefully looking away from you and scrolling on her phone. 

Outside the kitchen window, the morning sun is lighting up your back yard, the pine moving gently in a soft breeze.

This is such a beautiful moment right this second.  Things are on your mind, but you recognize that in this moment, you have everything you need to be happy in your life.

  • Maybe you and your wife will be able to create a version 2.0 of your relationship full of intimacy, touch, and her desire for you, and maybe not.  
  • Maybe you will decide at some point that you get to do this in another relationship.

Regardless, your wife is merely the icing on your cake. You know you are on YOUR path; YOUR purpose.

Don't let your "little boy" react to her "little girl"

When your little boy self responds with hurt and anger to your wife's shaming of your desires, she will feel disgust.  She will have ZERO motivation to want to share physical touch.

Women find it incredibly attractive, when no matter what they say, they can never make you "butt hurt."

This is the Bad Boy Effect.  The Bad Boy doesn't give a f-ck.


Watch this 7-min video to find out how you can be the Enlightened Bad Boy of your own life and masterfully create attraction without becoming an "aloof dick".

  • Stay in the present moment - don't get "butt hurt" 
  • Be the man who shows he's good with himself.
  • Turn her judgement into a rubber knife


When she’s in the chasm of discontent and feels like she is underwater or that the relationship is underwater, almost anything you say can be misconstrued in a negative way.

1. You, like any man, wants a robust sex life.
2. You want and desire physical affection.

Want to read more? Click to read this next article: Women need praise - Vulnerability with your wife