You're wife isn't a man, don't treat her like one

Mar 18, 2023
ninja, man, wearing black, on knees, sitting, dark background,

Picture this:
Your wife walks in the door after work and immediately starts complaining about her job...again.
According to her, her boss is an a-hole and her co-workers are all incompetent and lazy.
This is the 10th day in a row she’s run the gamut of these same complaints.
- You’ve TRIED to help her with this problem and give her suggestions.
- You’ve TRIED to hold the bucket for her to vomit her experience.
But whenever you make a suggestion, she just gets quiet and walks away.
And then, the next day, it’s the same routine, her standing in the kitchen, arms folded across her chest spouting her list of grievances.
“No one respects me.”
“I do all the work and they take all the credit.”
It’s like Groundhog Day.
Finally, exhausted and irritated, you tell her, “Just figure it out! You haven’t listened to any of my suggestions, and I’m sick of hearing you complain.”

This really made her angry, and now she’s not speaking with you AT ALL.
The Man Up Mistake -
If you don’t want your wife treating your bed like the Arctic Sea, an enormous cold glacier of resentment firmly placed between the two of you, don’t expect her to be able to “Man Up.”
She cannot address situations at work and at home like you would as a man. If she’s confused, don't tell her to “just figure it out.”
1. She will feel that she made herself weak by sharing with you her vulnerability.
2. Her brain chemistry will respond with fire crackers of heat to protect herself.
3. She will feel a deep pain and resentment that her femininity needs to be FIXED.


A totally different set of skills -
Being in relationship with your wife requires a totally different set of skills than what you are used to. As a man, you are focused and spurred on by challenge, and you address issues at home and work head on. The feminine doesn't work this way.
If you want her to open to you, share vulnerably, and regain a sensual feminine flow, you need to look at her with this frame of mind:
* Your wife has many colorful expressions of her experience as a woman. 
* What she truly needs is to be seen and appreciated by the masculine in you for all her shades, even the less satisfying hues of “stuckness” and negative patterns.
* This is how the feminine fully heals and moves on from situations that cause her pain and stress.


Watch this 3-min video to find out what causes a woman to go into her masculine energy in relationship with you

- What she thinks about YOUR relationship values and your WORD as the man in her life.
- The thing she believes you are asking her to really do and how she reacts with her own masculine   energy.
- How she deals with the loss of a “safe relationship space” and what she does with her “sensual feminine flow."

Want to read more? Click to read this next article: Wife thinks I'm needy when I want affection - What To Do