How to overcome fear of losing your wife

Mar 20, 2023
, lion, animal, colorful, graphic,

It’s Friday night.
You initiate sex with your wife, kissing the back of her neck and running your hand down her side and along her buttocks until she finally huffs with frustration, and turns over.
Laying on her back beneath you, you can feel her resignation to having “duty sex,” treating you like an annoying mosquito. She lies like a "starfish" waiting for you to be done. After 15 years together, is this the kind of sex she thinks you want?
Duty sex? You're DONE with that.
* You want more intimate, deep, and sensual connection.
* You will not accept crumbs of affection as appeasement.
* You don't want "duty sex" for the rest of your life.
How to not be afraid of losing her -
She can get mad.
She can give you the silent treatment...for days…months…years.
Through this work, you WILL become unattached to her storms. You CAN be free of the fear of losing her.  The first steps of this journey are instead focus on;
* your external mission
* your internal value
* your service in the world.
You must fill your own cup first through external mission, internal value, and service to the world.
Ask yourself, “What does external success and internal enlightenment mean to me?”

Watch this 7- min video to find out how to overcome the fear of losing your wife and raise your level of external and internal success

* Don't use this "trick" to "make her love you" again
* How to find your masculine peace & happiness
* The deep dive into yourself to see "what's next"...

Regardless of what happens in your marriage, to be a confident, grounded, self-assured man, you must practice these skills :
* Gratitude for life
* Beauty in the moment
* Acknowledgment that pain is going to happen
* Knowing I’ll face tomorrow in the best way that I know I can


Want to read more? Click to read this next article: You're wife isn't a man, don't treat her like one